GeoCAT Overview

GeoCAT logo NSF logo

What is GeoCAT?

Geoscience Community Analysis Toolkit (GeoCAT), established in 2019, leads the software engineering efforts of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Computational and Information Systems Lab (CISL)’s “Pivot to Python” initiative. Support for GeoCAT is provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation.

GeoCAT Goals

  1. Development of data analysis and visualization tools for geoscience research

  2. Scalability

  3. Open development

GeoCAT essentially aims at creating scalable data analysis and visualization tools for Earth System Science data to serve the geosciences community in the scientific Python ecosystem. GeoCAT tools are built upon the cornerstone technologies in the Pangeo stack such as Xarray, Dask, and Jupyter Notebooks.

Core technology GeoCAT relies upon

Novel research and development is conducted for analyzing/visualizing structured as well as unstructured grid data from various research fields such as climate, weather, atmosphere, ocean, etc. In addition, some of the functionalities in the GeoCAT stack are inspired/reimplemented from NCL (NCAR Command Language).

Some GeoCAT Resources


GeoCAT software tools list

Contributor’s Guide

Project Raijin

GeoCAT Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment

GeoCAT employs a continuous delivery model, with a monthly package release cycle on package management systems and package indexes such as Conda and PyPI.