GeoCAT-examples tutorial

  1. What is GeoCAT-examples? (1-2 minutes)

    1. A way to share the code needed to recreate NCL replica plots.

    2. This allows scientists who are using python, to allow for easy and accurate qualitative comparison to plots produced by researchers who used NCL.

  2. What is GeoCAT-viz (1-2 minutes)

    1. A work in progess to make functions for replicating the NCL plots directly, usually in a single call.

    2. We think that this will be a valuable time and effort saving utility for scientists who are migrating from NCL.

  3. Docs overview. (5-10 minutes)

    1. Examples

      1. Notebook Gallery (MPAS)

      2. Regular Gallery

    2. Viz

      1. Tayor Diagrams

  4. Demo on running examples. (5-10 minutes each, 30-40 minutes total)

    1. (maybe just do two, and talk in depth about what we are doing with MPL)

    2. NCL_animate_1.ipynb

    3. NCL_conOncon_5.ipynb

    4. NCL_taylor_6.ipynb

  5. What is GeoCAT-viz? (1-2 minutes)

  6. Q&A for any remaining time, and I’ll be available at the end of the day for additional questions.

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